Here comes Christmas/New Year!
After a sparse few weeks the gigs are set to come think and fast (oeer) over the next two months as we speed through a fantastic Xmas/New Year period.
Among the gigs, we have the Christmas Nativity play/Punk Rock Xmas Party with Hung Like Hanratty at Sutton's New Cross on Saturday, 16th December.
With Jimmy Savile near the manger you can guess it won't be a night for the easily offended or committed Christian! Look out Jesus! He's behind you!
There will also be great music that night. Here is the projected running order for the bands: 10:15 - 11:00, SCREAMING DEAD, 9:30 - 10:00, HUNG LIKE HANRATT,Y, 8:45 - 9:15, VERBAL WARNING, 8:00 - 8:30, HUGO STEADY, 7:15 - 7:45, PRISONERS OF WAR.
Admission will be just £5
Christmas weekend should see two storming gigs at Ilkeston's The Lounge (22nd) and Langley Mill's The Bunny Hop (23rd) - beware our Christmas covers!
New Year's weekend is at Beeston's The Chequers (30th) and the big night at The Midland, Stapleford (31st).
A week later when your livers have dried out it's time for the New Year's Revolution 2 at Nottingham's famous Rock City.
We are chuffed to be back for a second year in a row alongside Hung Like Hanratty, Resistance 77, Duncan Reid and the Big Heads, the Fuckwits, 3 Stone Money and Rubber Gun Squad.
It's £15 on the door but save yourselves a pint and buy tickets at £12 from us at any gig between now and then.
We then swap electric for acoustic guitar at Foremans Bar on Sunday, 28th January to join former Adverts star TV Smith, Arturo from The Lurkers' Punktry and Western show and Static Kill in an all-acoustic show.
Another one to get in the diary and sort your advance tickets for is on Friday, 6th April at The Maze in Nottingham where we join Headsticks and Phi in supporting the wonderful Interrobang on their debut album launch tour.
Interrobang were one of the best new bands I've seen all year and features Dunstan and Harry from Chumbawamba – check out their web site for full biog and Youtube for a taster of their songs.